109 Entry

Pictures from Allan Jarrett John Worthington and Alan (AJ) Thompson

bigger version

Back row from left to right: John Chauvet, Brian Susans, Sid Exton, Ming Ferguson, John Forbes, Ged Davidson, Allan Jarrett, Bill Molton, Michael Card, Tudor (Taff) Price, Alan (AJ) Thompson, Phil Sperring, Malcolm (Rex) Littler, Graham Collins, Bill Milne, Tony Cooke, Ken Greenacre, Pete Haig and Geoff Kevan.

Front row from left to right: Frank McVey, Steve (Tiny) Taylor, Mick Richards, Reg Chaudhary, Ian (Tiv) Sweet, Doug Pocock, Flt Lt Dixon, Terry Symmons, Sqn Ldr "Bunny" Russell, Michael (Nobby) Clarke, Sgt. Tom (Sparky) Sparks, Rick Johnson, Bob Thompson, Phil Stanyon, Chris Sherman, John Worthington and Tony Bennett.

Room 53

Taken in Room 53 Fulton Block RAF Cosford in December 1965.

bigger version

Back row from left to right: Ken Greenacre, Mike Warhurst, Ross Miller (left RAF shortly after this photograph was taken), Allan Jarrett, Alan (AJ) Thompson, Bill Molton, Phil Sperring. Front row from left to right: Lynn Wilkinson, Frank McVey, Bob Thompson and Ming Ferguson.

Room 63

bigger version

Room 66

Taken in Room 66 of Fulton Block shortly after we joined up in 1965

Back row from left to right: Lynn (Ginge) Wilkinson, Steve (Tiny) Taylor, Ken Greenacre, Alan (AJ) Thompson, Bob Thompson, Bill Molton, John Worthington, Frank McVey and Mike Warhurst.
Front row: Brian Susans (kneeling), Allan Jarrett (standing) and Menzies (Ming) Ferguson (sitting).

Back row standing from left to right: Brian Susans, Alan (AJ) Thompson, Ken Greenacre and Mike Warhurst.
Front row kneeling from left to right: John Worthington, Bill Molton and Frank McVey.

Menzies (Ming) Ferguson (at rear standing on table).
Front row from left to right: John Worthington, Phil Sperring, Bill Molton, Allan Jarrett, Bob Thompson, Frank McVey, Alan (AJ) Thompson, Ross Miller (left RAF short time after this photograph was taken).


Photograph was taken during the 1966 Ten Tors Walk across Dartmoor National Park. People in the photograph from left to right are:
Taff Price, Ian Sweet, Phil Stanyon, Pliers Smith, Rex Littler and Geoff Kevan.

Freedom of Wolverhampton

Apprentice Wing marching through the centre of Wolverhampton in 1967 following the Freedom of Wolverhampton Ceremony.

From left to right, Steve (Nobby) Clarke, Doug Pocock and Terry Symonds. I believe that this photograph was taken outside a church in Wolverhampton on the day that the RAF Cosford Apprentice Wing was given the freedom of the city in 1967.


109 Entry Reunion Dinner, Park House Hotel, Shifnal, October 2023

The Cosford Aviation Museum stood in front of the TSR2, the aircraft we were intended to work on before it was axed. From left to right Phil Sperring, Terry Symmans, Geof Kevan, Rex Littler, Phil Stanyon, Steve Taylor, Ian Sweet, John Worthington, John Forbes, Brian Susans, Ken Greenacre, Tony Bennet, Tony Cooke

At the Park House Hotel. From near end and clockwise Terry Symmans, Ken Greenacre, Steve Taylor, Tony Cooke, Tony Bennet, Graham Collins, Phil Stanyon, John Forbes, Geof Kevan, Phil Sperring, Ian Sweet, John Worthington, , John Chauvet, Brian Susans, Rex Littler, Allan Thompson

From left to right Terry Symmans, Ken Greenacre, Steve Taylor, Tony Cooke

From left to right Tony Cooke, Tony Bennet, Graham Collins

From left to right Graham Collins, Phil Stanyon, John Forbes

From left to right Geof Kevan, Phil Sperring, Ian Sweet

From left to right John Worthington, John Chauvet, Brian Susans, Rex Littler, Alan Thompson

Curry Night at the Shifnal Balti. From near end and clockwise Steve Taylor, Ken Greenacre, Rex Littler, Geof Kevan, Ian Sweet, Terry Symmans, Tony Bennet, John Worthington, Phil Sperring, John Chauvet, Brian Susans, John Forbes

109 Entry Reunion Dinner, Park House Hotel, Shifnal, June 2022

Warm up drinks at the Odfellows. From head of table near end and clockwise John Worthington, Rick Johnson, Tony Bennet, Brian Susans, Graham Collins, Phil Stanyon, Rex Littler, Allan Thompson

At the Park House Hotel. From near end and clockwise John Chauvet, Brian Susans, John Worthington, Graham Collins, Allan Thompson, Steve Taylor, Tony Bernnet, Rex Littler, Doug Pocock

From head of table near end and clockwise Allan Thompson, Steve Taylor, Tony Bennet, Rex Littler, Doug Pocock, Phil Stanyon, Rick Johnson, Geof Kevan, John Chauvet, Brian Susans, John Worthington, Graham Collins

From near end and clockwise Steve Taylor, Tony Bennet, Rick Johnson, Geof Kevan, John Chauvet, Brian Susans, John Worthington, Graham Collins

From left to right Steve Taylor and Tony Bennet

From left to right Graham Collins and Allan Thompson

From left to right Doug Pocock and Phil Stanyon

Rick Johnson

From left to right Geof Kevan and John Chauvet

Curry Night at the Shifnal Balti. From near end and clockwise Tony Bennet, Geof Kevan, Phil Stanyon, Graham Collins, John Chauvet, Brian Susans, Rex Littler, Allan Thompson, John Worthington, Rick Johnson

National Memorial Arboretum

2019 109 Technician Apprentice Re-Union

To celebrate 50 years after the passing out parade, 53 years since joining up in 1965, sixteen members of the entry gathered at the Union Jack Club in London over he weekend of June2nd and 3rd. After a few beers in the Wellington Pub there was a dinner in the Union Jack Club. The following day several went to the Imperial War Museum and again this was followed by an evening meal in the Wellington Pub.

Members who attended were:
Terry Symmans, Geoff Kevin, Phil Stanyon, Ken Greenacre , Malcolm Little, John Chauvet, Pete Haig, Tony Bennett, Frank McVey, Steve Taylor , Phil Sperring, John Worthington, Fred Parker, Ian Sweet, Brian Susans and Rick Johnson.

109 Entry 50th Anniversary Reunion Dinner, Park House Hotel, Shifnal, October 2015

Outside Fulton Block back row from left to right John Chauvet, Terry Symmans, Fred Parker, Doug Pocock, Mike Richards, Rex Littler, Tony Bennett, Brian Susans, Phil Stanyon, Rick Johnson, Paul Firmin, Phil Sperring
Front row from left to right Ken Greenacre, Allan Thompson, Graham Collins, Geoff Kevan, Pete Haig, Bob Thompson, Ian Sweet, John Worthington, Syd Exton

Having light refreshments inside Fulton Block mess hall, in all ways a vast improvement since 1965

Dinner at Park House Hotel from left and clockwise, Bob Thompson, Pete Haig, Tony Bennett, Syd Exton, Rick Johnson, Brian Susans, Paul Firmin, Doug Pocock, Ken Greenacre, Geoff Kevan, Terry Symmans, Phil Stanyon, Fred Parker, John Chauvet, Ian Sweet, Allan Thompson, John Worthington, Phil Sperring, Graham Collins, Rex Littler, Mike Richards

From left to right Rick Johnson, Fred Parker, Ian Sweet

From left to right Pete Haig, Tony Bennett, Syd Exton

From left to right Graham Collins, Rex Littler, Mike Richards

Having a warm up drink in the Odfellows Pub from head of table near and clockwise Rick Johnson, John Chauvet, Phil Sperring, Geoff Kevan, Rex Littler, John Worthington, Pete Haig, Tony Bennett, Terry Symmans

Curry night at Shifnal Balti from left and clockwise Terry Symmans, Brian Susans, John Chauvet, Phil Sperring, John Worthington, Graham Collins, Ken Greenacre, Pete Haig, Geof kevan, Rex Littler, Tony Bennett, Ian Sweet, Doug Pocock, Rick Johnson

Taken at Cosford Museum and standing in front of a TSR2, the aircraft we all joined up to work on, from left to right Ian Sweet, Ken Greenacre, Rex Littler, Rick Johnson, Terry Symmans, John Chauvet, Doug Pocock, Pete Haig

109 Reunion dinner Park House Hotel, Shifnal, September 2013

From left to right Fred Parker, John Worthington, Rex Littler, Allan Jarrett, Phil Sperring, Brian Susans, Doug Pocock, Bob Thompson, Phil Stanyon, John Chauvet, Rick Johnson, Allan Thompson, Ken Greenacre, Tony Bennet, Tony Cooke, Geof Kevan

From head of table far end and clockwise Rex Littler, Geoff Kevan, Ken Greenacre, Chris Sherman, Phil Stanyon, John Chauvet, John Worthington, Bob Thompson, Phil Sperring, Alan Thompson, Rick Johnson, Brian Susans, Allan Jarrettt, Fred parker, Doug Pocock, Tony Bennet, Tony Cooke

From left to right Ken Greenacre, Chris Sherman, Phil Stanyon

From left to right Phil Stanyon, John Chauvet, John Worthington, Bob Thompson

From left to right Tony Bennet, Tony Cooke, Allan Jarret, Rex Littler, Geof Kevan, Chris Sherman

From front and clockwise Bob Thompson, Phil Sperring, Allan Thompson, Rick Johnson

From left to right Tony Bennet, Allan Thompson, Bob Thompson, Allan Jarrett, Doug Pocock, Phil Sperring

From left and clockwise Brian Susans, Tony Bennet, Allan Jarrett, Allan Thompson, Rick Johnson, John Chauvet, Ken Greenacre, Rex Littler, Geof Kevan, Phil Sperring, John Worthington

109 Reunion dinner Union Jack Club, London, September 2010

From left to right - Malcolm (Rex) Littler, Doug Pocock, Fred Parker, Allan Jarrett, Geoff Kevan, Tim Gormley, Phil Stanyon and Tony Bennett.

From left to right - Brian Susans, Rick Johnson, Phil Sperring, John Worthington, Pete Haig, Frank McVey and Ken Greenacre.

From left to right - Tim Gormley, Phil Stanyon and Tony Bennett.

From left to right - Fred Parker, Allan Jarrett and Geoff Kevan.

From left to right - Malcolm (Rex) Littler, Doug Pocock and Fred Parker.

From left to right - Brian Susans, Rick Johnson and Phil Sperring.

From left to right - Pete Haig, Frank McVey and Ken Greenacre.

Taken at the Imperial War Museum, London. Left to right - Ken Greenacre, Geoff Kevan, Tony Bennett, Pete Haig and John Worthington.

Taken at Chor Bizarre, Indian Restaurant, Mayfair, London. Left to right - Tony Bennett, Brian Susans, Ken Greenacre, Pete Haig, Allan Jarrett, Geoff Kevan and John Worthington.

109 Reunion dinner Union Jack Club, London, September 2009

Left to right: Allan Jarrett, Alan Macleod, Tony Cooke, John Chauvet, Tony Bennett, Pete Haig and Ken Greenacre.

Left to right: Ken Greenacre, Bob Thompson, Alan (AJ) Thompson, Phil Sperring, Brian Susans, Rick Johnson and Fred Parker.

Left to right (facing camera): Allan Jarrett, Tony Bennett, Alan (AJ) Thompson, Ken Greenacre, Rick Johnson, Tony Cooke and Pete Haig.

Left to right (front three tables): Tony Cooke, Pete Haig, Rick Johnson, Ken Greenacre, Tony Bennett, Allan Jarrett (back to camera looking at ladies), Alan (AJ) Thompson (in foreground nearest camera).

Left to right: Pete Haig, Tony Cooke, Allan Jarrett (hidden behind Tony Cooke), Tony Bennett, Geoff Kevan, Rick Johnson, Fred Parker, Alan (AJ) Thompson, Brian Susans, Ken Greenacre and John Chauvet.

Left to right: Fred Parker, Alan (AJ) Thompson, Brian Susans, Ken Greenacre, John Chauvet, Pete Haig, Tony Cooke, Allan Jarrett (hidden behind Tony Bennett), Tony Bennett, Geoff Kevan and Rick Johnson.

109 Entry Reunion 1992

from left to right are Allan Jarrett, John Worthington, Peter Haig, Geof Kevan, Rick Johnson, Frank McVey, Brian Susans, Chris Sherman, Rex Littler