122 Entry

Pictures from Mark Porter and Simon Waplington

Simon writes:- The omega sign represents the fact that we were the last of the three-trade Technician Apprentice entries and the eagle (drawn by Mike Sturgess), . . . well it just looked good. We chose the motto of "Nil Amiramous" from a list of Latin phrases that someone had acquired. (Now, with the benefit of the Internet, I think it should be "Nil A Miratus"). This phrase appealed to us because, apparently, it translated to "we are amazed at nothing". Some people might think we were cynical. Some people might be right! But what would you expect from a bunch of know-it-all teenagers!

Looks like there is another version.. Mark sent his in and its has "Nil Admiramus"

bigger version

Back row: McLaughlin, Sturgess, Bedford, Fallow, Porter, Hufton, Neil-Jones, Foster, Gibbs
Front row: Brown, Douce, O'Connell, Forrester, Lockwood, Smythe, Waplington

bigger version

Back row: Smythe, Forrester, Lockwood, Douce, Waplington
Front row: Foster, McLaughlin, Sturgess, Hufton, Bedford, Porter

bigger version

Back row: Sturgess, McLaughlin, Douce, Lockwood, Forrester, Smythe, Waplington
Front row: Porter, Bedford, Flt Lt ???, Sqn Ldr Gregory, Flt Sgt Duffy?, Hufton, Foster

Camping in Wales

40th Reunion, March 2013
Neil Foster, Julian Smythe, Shane McLaughlin, Adrian Lockwood, Mike Sturgess, Richard Douce, Mark Porter, Simon Waplington