What's new

New server and email

223 and 301 pages updated.

Nov 2021:
204 entry page added
Feb 2021:
Improved 310 pictures

Oct 2020:
207 picture added

Oct 2019:
136 entry page added

Sept 2019:
218 entry page update

May 2019:
215 entry page update
Add 69-70 rugby team in teams page

Oct 2018:
314 entry page
117 entry page

Mar 2018:
71 Rugby team

Dec 2017:
213 Shield.
Pipe band picture

Oct 2017:
214 entry Page, 75 Entries on the site.

Sep 2017:
213 entry extra class E picture and Shield

Sep 2017:
210 entry page
Band Picture at 1969 Royal Tournament

Jan 2017:
215 entry extra picture

March 2015:
108 entry page

February 2015:
142 entry page

November 2014:
302 extra pictures and corrected names

November 2013:
222 extra pictures
128 page

October 2013:
222 and 225 extra pictures

June 2013:
321, 222 and 215 extra pictures

Mar 2013:
107 entry Page
More Ben and Band pictures
111 extra pics
222 shield and car badge
Aero club (in sports teams page)
219a class
122 reunion

Jan 2013:
111 page

Oct 2012:
227 reunion pictures
219 reunion pictures

Aug 2012:
141 Page
226 shield
Fixed problem where some browsers did not see higher number 100 entries in nav bar

April 2012:
144 Page
132b picture
211 pictures

January 2012:
148 Page

October 2011:
110 Picture added
225/119 Programm added
319 shield.
More 227 pics
More 231 pics
More 319 pics
More 225 pics

July 2011:
221 Page
112 Page
115 extra photos

June 2011:
132 class C photo
219K flight photo

May 2011:
325 class B photo
224 memories from John Bent

Mar 2011:
118 class B photo
132 entry page
124 entry page
323 entry page
109 entry 2010 reunion pictures

Feb 2011:
Added 119 shield
Finished Rugby team names

Jan 2011:
Added 211 shield
Added more 109 pictures

Nov 2010:
Added more 211 pictures

Oct 2010:
115 passing out parade video link
220 entry and class B pictures added.

Aug 2010:
113/213 nominal roll added
401 entry passing out leaflet

Jun 2010:
226 entry page
218 extra text

May 2010:
122 extra pics

Mar 2010:
122 page
211 Page
Fopotball team pictures
Extra pics for 109 entry
Shield for 224 Entry

Feb 2010:
A whole new look for the site.

Jan 2010:
109 entry page
313 entry page
151 entry graduation pics
extra 109 pics
extra rugby pics
extra ben pics

Nov 2009:
401 reunion pictures
302 extra pictures

Aug 2009:
318 entry page
302 entry page
325 entry pictures
Apprentice Papers

Apr 2009:
149 Entry page

Mar 2009:
309 Entry page.. 50th entry on the website!

Feb 2009:
150 entry new images

Jan 2009:
115 entry page

Oct 2008:
147 entry page

April 2008:
Split 216 to C and F flights
Extra pics for 401 entry
more names for Rugby page

February 2008:
217 entry page
151 entry page
Fulton block extra arial shots

January 2008:
219 class e and review
123 entry extra pics
213 entry extra pics
Mark Smyth's Attestation papers

November 2007:
305 entry page
More info on the band and Ben
changes to main page now appbe.net is no more

December 2006:
130 Entry page

October 2006:
307 Entry page

April 2006:
405 Entry page
A class for 227 entry.

March 2006:
I must have missed some updates here, its not been that long!!
325 entry page The 40th entry on the website!

Dec 2004:
more info on pay
312 entry page
231 entry page

Nov 2004:
Our first picture of a passing out parade, gave it a page.
registered cosfordapp.com domain name as well, both work.
more pictures on 321 entry page
more details of Ben on his page

Aug 2004:
114 entry page

Jun 2004:
319 entry page
222 entry page
223 entry page
Rugby Club page
added new pictures on 219 entry page

Mar 2004:
404 entry page
Extra Pay Chit from 1970
Youth selection centre page

Jan 2004:
New page, Pay Chit from 1973
New page, Acceptance letters into Apprenticeship
Added pass out parade flyer on 227 Entry page
Added class F & G on 225 Entry page.
Added pic of class K on 219 Entry page

Dec 2003:
added some pics on 306 Entry page
added some names to 126 Entry page

Sept 2003:
403 Entry page

July 2003:
227 C class improved picture
310 entry page

October 2002:
209 entry page
311 entry page

June 2002:
138 entry page
401 entry page
picture of Fulton block during construction

Mar 2002:
224 entry d class update
218 entry page
306 entry add picture

Jan 2002:
A domain for the site, www.cosfordapp.net
A whats New page!
123 entry page
213 entry page
402 entry page